Range Rules


Firstly, welcome to Silverdale Gun Club! As a member or guest utilizing our facility, you agree and are responsible for following all Silverdale Gun Club Range Safety Rules at all times when using Silverdale Gun Club facilities.


Office: Monday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm and Saturday & Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm

Store: Wednesday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm and Saturday & Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm

Range: 8 am to 8 pm (or sunset, whichever comes first)


Phone: 905-957-7362 

Line 1: Courses (please directly call the number above)

Line 2: Non-member/packages (289-925-7747)

Line 3: General Inquiries (289-925-3800)

Line 4:  Lanz Shooting Supplies (289-407-0675) 

Please feel free to call us and select whichever line best fits your questions! Please note we are 1-3 people working in the office. If you do not get an answer, we are either on the other line or busy with a customer. Please leave a message, and we will get back to you when we have a moment. 

If you have a quick question, please do not hesitate to text any of the 289 phone numbers to get a quicker answer! 

Email: we are happy to answer most questions via email! 

Courses:  info@silverdalegunclub.com 

All other inquiries: gunrange4u@gmail.com 


1. Gate Sign-In: All members must sign in at the gate, regardless of whether it’s open, for insurance purposes.

2. Guest Registration: Guests must be registered at the front office or with the Range Safety Officer (RSO) before or after office hours. Members are permitted to bring 2 licensed guests or 1 licensed and 1 unlicensed guest per day. No exceptions unless a range officer is booked to help supervise.

3. Safety Gear: Ear and eyewear are mandatory on the firing line. Sandals, open-toed shoes, or flip-flops are not allowed.

4. Firearm Safety: Never pass a loaded firearm. Members bringing guests should teach them firearm safety. Firearms should not be left unattended or with unlicensed individuals. Firearms must be in a soft or hard case upon arrival! Gun socks are not permitted.

5. Cellphone and Camera Use: No use of cellphones or cameras while shooting or supervising a guest. Please review pictures and videos before posting on social media. Tag us @silverdalegunclub! 

6. Wildlife: Shooting at wildlife on the range is prohibited in any capacity.

7. Property Damage: Property damage will result in a $50 charge per hole in baffles, bunkers, posts, or other integral structures.

8. Cleanliness: Members and guests are responsible for cleaning up spent shells, garbage, etc. Cleaning supplies are available at every range.

9. Smoking: No smoking at the benches under coverings. Smoking should be done away from the range.

10. Speed Limit: Driving on the property, especially the laneway, at speeds exceeding 15 km/h is considered an infraction, resulting in a written warning.

11. Member Responsibility: Members are fully responsible for their guests’ behaviour and conduct at all times.

12. Trigger Locks: Trigger locks are used to prevent fingers from entering the trigger guard, not to make the gun safe. (a gun with a trigger lock on is never considered safe)

13. Shotgun Use: Shotguns must be shouldered at all times; pistol grip shotguns are not permitted. If a firearm has a stock and a pistol grip, that is acceptable as it can be shouldered.

14. Pets: Pets are welcome but must be kept on a leash, and owners are responsible for cleaning up after them. There is a pet station across from Range #2. 


  • Muzzle direction other than downrange or straight up.
  • Sweeping others with your firearm or pointing a firearm at someone 
  • Allowing an unlicensed guest to shoot or handle a firearm unsupervised.
  • Passing a loaded firearm to another person, including a guest.
  • Leaving a loaded firearm unattended in any location, including on the benches.
  • Handling an uncased firearm, magazines, ammunition, or attempting to shoot on a green flag.
  • Leaving the firing line to go downrange on a red flag.
  • Abusive, argumentative, or disrespectful behavior directed towards any range officer, staff, member, or Silverdale guest.

Breach of any of the above could result in your immediate removal from Silverdale property, plus possible further action such as termination or membership.



  • The range is hot, and shooting is permitted 
  • Cased firearms may only be brought onto the range at this point.
  • Muzzle control must be maintained at all times! SGC only has two safe directions, which are down range and up. 
  • When moving from the bench to the safe rack, always have your firearm straight up and unloaded with the action open. 
  • If your firearm has a magazine inserted (baseplate closed) and/or the action closed, it is considered loaded and should be treated as such. At no point is it a safe practice to remove your hands from or pass a loaded firearm.
  • While on the rifle ranges, if you are leaving the vicinity of your bench for any reason, your firearm is required to be put in the rack.


  • The range is safe, and no shooting is permitted. It is safe to go down range and post targets at this point. 
  • No firearms are permitted to be brought (cased) onto the range on a green flag.
  • No handling of firearms, ammunition, spotting scopes, etc., in any capacity. 
  • Shooters are required to stand behind the yellow line if not moving downrange to post targets.
  • If you have reduced mobility, please notify the RSO on duty. In this case, you will be required to turn around and face away from the range while remaining seated.
  • Prior to flag change, firearms should be unloaded, chambers cleared, and checked.  Transferred with actions open and muzzle up to the gun rack.  If unsure how to do it correctly, ask an RSO for a demonstration.
  • If a firearm is too short to be held in the rear rack properly, it may be placed on the table in the same manner as a handgun as per the RSO discretion


  • The range is closed for maintenance if there is no flag.
  • At no point should a member ever bring firearms onto a range with no flag or a white flag
  • A white flag means the range is closed due to law enforcement training or similar. 


We have done our best to outline our expectations, hoping that it will make your shooting experience as satisfying as possible! However, if you have any questions or uncertainty, please stop what you are doing and ask one of our staff members for assistance.

      • Terms of Membership Agreement:

      • Please see the cancellation policy below for refunds.
      • Membership expires on March 31st of each and every year.
      • Memberships are non-transferable, meaning that members are not permitted to loan out their membership and are not permitted to transfer their spot to another individual.
      • Members are responsible for notifying SGC in regard to personal information changes (address, name, email, etc.)

    Cancellation Policy:

    • Cancellations must be done in writing by email or letter; no cancellations will be processed via phone.
    • As per the Consumer Protection Act 2002, full refunds will be given within 15 days of booking your orientation.
    • After the 15-day period, refunds will be given if prior to April 30th but subject to less 3% processing fee in addition to the $45 NFA insurance that will still be valid until the subsequent year.
    • After April 30th, no refunds will be given on new memberships and renewals.
    • There will be no discount or refund in the event of closure ordered by the Cheif Firearms Office
    • Cancellation of membership will result in being removed from our database and will require the member to reapply and be added to the waitlist for the subsequent year.
    • SGC reserves the right to terminate, suspend or revoke membership privileges in the event of an overdue account for 60+ days, inappropriate behaviour, or failure to adhere to the range rules.
      • Each full member will be given a membership card with gate access at the start of their time at SGC. If a replacement is needed due to the loss or destruction of a card, replacements are available for $20.

      • Membership tags provide RSO’s with important information such as your privileges on the range (ATT/Holster designations) in addition to a yearly sticker so we know that you have made payment for the current year.
      • Membership tags also offer each member a unique number to reference and your name.
      • RSO’s will ask to see membership cards while at the range; each member must be able to provide the card when asked by an RSO.
      • Lanyards, clips, and plastic selves are always available at the office for no additional cost. Retractable clips are also available for purchase.

    Family Members
    Each member is permitted to add their immediate family to their membership for $50 per additional member. Family members are permitted whether they are licensed or unlicensed.

      • Spouse: no requirements
      • Children: under the age of 19

    Please see the guest rules below for bringing additional guests with family member

    • All firearm injuries should be reported to the range officer on duty or the head range officer immediately or as soon as possible. If medical attention is needed it takes priority over notifying anyone.
    • First aid kits are located in the RSO building between ranges 3 & 4, in the office, and on range #1 if needed.
    • For major injuries and trauma, please call 911 ASAP.
      • Members are always permitted to bring one licensed and one unlicensed guest or two licensed guests per day. There are no exceptions to this rule unless a member books with a range officer for extra supervision.
      • It is $20.00 per guest for a day pass
      • It is always the member’s responsibility to ensure the safety of their guests. At no time should a guest be left alone on the range.
      • At no point should there be more than two people on a bench.
      • Guests are not welcome to bring restricted handguns onto the property or operate restricted firearms without the direct supervision of a member with ATT qualifications.
      • If a member is bringing family members, please see the family member rules above!

    Family Members and Bringing Guests

    • In the event a member has a family member (spouse or child) who is unlicensed, they are also permitted to bring another person who does not have a license. This is the only case a member will ever have two unlicensed guests! With that being said, only one guest is permitted on the firing line at a time.
    • At no point should anyone use substances of any kind on the property of Silverdale Gun Club, including the front parking lot.
    • No alcohol, cannabis, or illegal/illicit drugs are permitted past the front gate at any time.
    • No person under the influence of alcohol or illegal/illicit drugs shall be permitted past the front gate.
    • This also pertains to prescription drugs that could hinder your performance and other safety while at the range.
    • Large splatter targets ($) and paper targets will be available through the RSO’s downrange.
    • Large sighting targets and splatter burst targets are available on the range, ask the RSO
    • AR500 only steel targets must be completely shrouded inside bunkers a minimum of 12 deep and angled forward so as to direct any splash’ or ricochets into the ground. Rim fire is not permitted on any steel targets
    • Paper targets must be stapled to the colored backboards, not on the posts or cross boards.Placing any other object anywhere downrange, on the ground, posts or cross boards will result in immediate expulsion for the day. Consideration of further action, including suspension will be given.
    • We encourage members and guests to report unusual or suspicious behaviour.
    • Do not place any target or object on top of posts or cross boards.
    • Do not staple targets on the bunkers.
    • Shooting at targets on the ground or berms is prohibited on covered ranges.
    • Shooters are required to use only the backboards directly in front of them and that correspond with the color on your bench (no cross firing)
    • Prior to shooting handguns at SGC, each and every member will take a club-level safety course, which is taught by a CSSA Certified Instructor.
    • This course will go over our expectations of safety and set each member up for success when moving to the live-fire portion of the course.
    • Four live-fire probationary shoots must be completed prior to shooting unsupervised on the range.
    • Members are permitted to complete one probationary shoot per day.
    • After completion, members must bring the card into the office to have the ATT qualification added to their card.
        • Club Holster Instructor  – Chris Rosart silverdalecqs@gmail.com
    • Holsters may only be used by members with a valid holster qualification/designation on their membership card. Accepted qualifications include Silverdale Club Level Course, Silverdale CQS, TDSA, IDPA, and Black Badge (IPSC). Holster users must present their holster qualification/designation upon request by an RSO.
    • Members who have completed holster training in relation to their job, such as law enforcement, CBSA, armed security, military, etc., may be issued a holster designation upon presentation of proof of training to the CHI or the Office at SGC. It is strongly advised that members in this category contact the CHI for a brief orientation on range etiquette in case of any procedural differences between ‘agency training’ and club rules. There is no cost for this orientation for members in this category.
    • Holsters are only permitted for use on the following ranges: 6, 7, and the competition ranges. Range 1 may be used only with prior permission from the Office or the Lead RSO. Exceptions for other ranges may be made for club-sanctioned courses, classes, or matches at the Office’s discretion.
    • Only hip or drop-leg holsters are permitted. No cross-draw, shoulder, chest, ankle, appendix, etc holsters are permitted at any time.
    • Pistols shall only be loaded (magazine inserted and/or round chambered) while ACTIVELY engaging a target immediately at the firing line.
    • No one shall ever have a loaded holstered pistol while someone is ahead of them
    • No one shall leave a range with a holstered pistol, loaded or otherwise. This means no going to the bathroom, the parking lot, or your car, for any reason, with a holstered pistol.
    • If actively shooting on range 6 and wish to move to range 7. Please take the most direct route possible from one asphalt pad to the other. Do not walk into the parking lot with your pistol holstered.
    • Pistols MAY remain holstered on a green flag (magazine removed, empty chamber, entire cylinder empty for revolvers) while you go downrange to change targets. RSOs may ask you to verify that your magazine is removed and your chamber is empty prior to the flag being changed to green. YOU MUST NOT TOUCH YOUR HOLSTERED PISTOL ON A GREEN FLAG. If you feel you may be unable to resist touching your holstered pistol on a green flag, it shall be removed and placed on the bench in a safe manner prior to the flag going green.
    • Holstered pistols must aim no further than a 1-foot radius from your side and/or ahead of your foot. “FBI” (rearward) canted holsters are not permitted.
    • Pistols must be drawn straight up, parallel to your leg/body, until the muzzle clears the top of the holster, at which point you will rotate the muzzle directly downrange. If shooting from behind a bench, you must also clear the top of the bench before rotating your pistol downrange. When shooting from behind a bench, there must be no space between your body and the bench. It is strongly recommended that holster users avoid shooting from behind tall benches that prevent downrange muzzle rotation after clearing the holster so as to avoid your pistol being aimed near your body for longer than is necessary.
    • At no time may a holster user have their holstered pistol concealed from view. RSOs and other members must be able to clearly see that you have a pistol holstered, regardless of whether your pistol is loaded or not. This means that any clothing that may potentially hang or drape over your holstered pistol and conceal it must be removed or securely retained to prevent this from occurring. If your holster is EMPTY, it is not against the rules for it to be concealed or otherwise obscured from view.
    • PLEASE NOTE – Carrying a concealed pistol on Silverdale Gun Club property is a ZERO-TOLERANCE offense and will result in the immediate revocation of the user’s holster privileges! Properly cased pistols shall not be considered ‘concealed’ for the purposes of this rule.
    • If your pistol has a manual safety, it must be engaged before and while it is holstered when a round is chambered (eg. 1911). If your pistol has a de-cocker in lieu of a manual safety, your pistol must be decocked before and while your pistol is holstered when a round is chambered (eg. Sig P226, HK P2000). Striker-fired (eg. Glock) and Double-Action-Only (eg. Sig P250) pistols may be holstered with a round in the chamber. Hammer-fired pistols without a manual safety or de-cocker that are not DAO shall not be carried in a holster with a loaded chamber (eg Tokarev TT-33). Revolvers shall be carried ‘hammer down’ on an empty chamber (the other chambers in the cylinder may be loaded).
    • It is strongly advised that members using a holster be aware of the nearest first aid kit and emergency phone numbers prior to using a holstered pistol
    • If clarification is required for any holster-related matters, the CHI can be contacted at silverdalecqs@gmail.com and every effort will be made to respond in a timely manner.
      No one other than the CHI, the HRSO, or a person explicitly authorized, in writing, by the office shall be permitted to teach a holster class on Silverdale Gun Club property.
    • Must have holster certification from any of our recognized providers; RSO may ask for proof that membership certification is current and up to date.
    • Rapid fire is permitted with handgun and rifle calibres on range 7 and handgun calibres only (PCC are permitted) on range 6.
    • All other ranges are limited to 1 shot every 2-3 seconds for members and 1 shot every 5 seconds for guests.
    • Guests may never rapid-fire.
  • Dynamic Firing Line (Range 7)
    • Members must be fully qualified (ATT, Holster, Rapid Fire)
    • Before shooting ahead of the firing line, permission will be requested from an RSO on duty.
    • The regular firing line will be cleared of ammunition, and all firearms will be cased or racked. The benches will be flipped to prevent use while shooters are downrange of the static (fixed) firing line.
    • An ‘ammunition/magazine loading’ station will be established on the right side of the range facing the right berm (when looking downrange), and a ‘safe/firearm uncasing’ table will be established on the left side of the range facing the left berm. No ammunition is ever permitted on the safe/firearm uncasing table. No firearms are permitted to be handled at the ammunition table.
    • The red/green flags will be removed, and a white “T” (training) flag will be hung in their place. While this flag is up, the entire range is ‘hot’ at all times and all shooters will communicate with each other to ensure safe practices.
    • When moving while shooting, it is only permitted to move towards the berm or sideways across the berm. No shooting while backing away from the berm. Loaded firearms must always be pointed into the berm.
    • If more than one person is to shoot at the same time on a dynamic firing line, each shooter must have a ‘spotter’ that at all times is within arms reach of the shooter. The spotter’s job is to ensure that the shooter maintains the same distance from the berm relative to any other shooters. Once all shooters are finished firing, spotters will visually verify the shooters firearms are unloaded and cleared. AT NO TIME CAN A PERSON BE DOWNRANGE OR AHEAD OF YOU WHILE YOU HAVE A LOADED FIREARM! This is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy!
    • Chamber flags will be inserted into the breach of all rifles/carbines at all times, unless the shooter is immediately and actively engaging targets.
    • All firearms must be cased in either a hard or soft case. Please note we do not permit firearms in a gun sock to be brought onto the range.
    • Firearms can only be brought onto the range and cased/uncased on a red flag.
    • Where safe tables are available, please utilize them (please see trap rules for more).
    • Always uncase your firearm on your shooting bench with the muzzle pointed downrange.
    • To prove safe, remove the lock, open the action, and remove the magazine if inserted before taking your hands off your firearm
    • Cases should be placed beside or under your bench or in your vehicle, not on the back of the gun rest.
    • SHOT – only permitted on the trap ranges (17 & 18)
    • SLUG – only permitted on ranges 1 through 5
    • No tracer, incendiary, or prohibited ammunition are permitted at any time
    • Armor piercing rounds are never to be used on steel targets
    • Steel core (non armor piercing) are permitted
    • Black powder (or black powder substitutes) must not be placed on the shooting benches
    • Unwanted or dud ammo should be discarded in the red dummy tubes located on all covered ranges
    • Members and guests are permitted and encouraged to pick up all of their own spent brass. At this point it belongs to you and you may do what you wish with it. Unwanted brass should be placed into the white containers located on each covered range
    • Any brass not cleaned up will be deemed ‘abandoned’ and will become property of SGC
    • Brass that is the property of SGC may only be removed from the premises at the discretion of the staff of SGC



    Trap rules are the same between the two ranges, but Trap 1 is open to all members as well as the public. Trap #2 is available for private rentals or booked shooting times for members only. All general rules apply, but the following are the rules specific to the trap range.

    • Shotgun only. #7 1/2, #8 and #9 size shot only
    • No hunting loads (eg. turkey loads)
    • Shotguns MUST be shouldered at all times – no pistol grip shotguns permitted.
    • Loading and setup of the trap range is to be done by RSO
    • Clean up all your shell casings – the flag must be GREEN when crossing the firing line to get shells
    • Leave your firearm and ammunition in your vehicle while you approach the range and check the flag system.
    • If there is a range officer present, the RSO will instruct you as to whether you can enter immediately or must wait
    • When you are permitted to enter the range, you will remove your firearm from your vehicle and proceed as per RSO instructions. Your firearm must be in an appropriate size hard or vinyl gun case – no gun socks allowed.
    • Do NOT store ammunition in your gun case along with your firearm, nor should it ever be placed on the safe table.
    • Proceed directly to the *safe table* – this is where you will uncase your firearm, which will always be pointed downrange. Muzzle control is essential.
    • Transfer your uncased firearm to the gun rack in the safe manner outlined below – this is where you will store your gun when not shooting
    • Return your gun case to your vehicle, obtain your ammunition, and return to the range
    • When directed, open and place a box of shells in the holder at your station, then obtain your firearm from the gun rack and proceed, in a safe manner, to your designated shooting station – shell pouches may be used instead.
    • Never have your firearm loaded until you are on station, ready to shoot a target. Only load one shell into the chamber and only when it is your turn to shoot, never before your turn.
    • Firearms are always pointed straight up while transferring/moving, including “break action” guns – hold break-action guns by the forestock while pointing them straight up. Over-the-shoulder carry is discouraged on the range
    • Do not touch or handle any firearm in the gun rack or anywhere else on the range other than the safe table and shooting station, and only on the RED flag
    • If you bring a guest, you are responsible for their conduct, whether they are licensed or not. Licensed guest may handle firearms without your direct and immediate supervision, but you will still be responsible for their conduct. This pertains to rifles and shotguns only!
    • Unlicensed guests MUST always be directly supervised by you when they are handling the firearm – you must be able to reach the firearm or the shooter without moving your feet. You must keep your hands free of any item, such as cell phones or cameras, while supervising.
    • Unlicensed guests will complete their session with you at their side and then transfer the gun back to the safe rack. You may now take that same firearm from the rack, back to the line, and join in the shooting yourself.
    • Do not ever transfer a firearm between yourself or any other shooter, guest or not, while at the shooting line. Keep your hands off your guest’s gun unless you are “rescuing” it – use verbal direction to help guests master the process
    • Keep your firearm pointed down range or straight up while waiting your turn to shoot at the line – do not point a gun at the ground even while loading
    • Do not rest your firearm, break action or pump, on your foot or any other part of your body, or on the shell holder while waiting your turn or loading a shell.
    • No cell phone use, smoking, or other activity is allowed while shooting
    • Always stay forward, directly on the firing line – do not get behind any other shooters while in possession of your firearm.
      • Muzzle direction other than downrange or straight up.
      • Sweeping others with your firearm.
      • Allowing an unlicensed guest to shoot or handle a firearm   unsupervised.
      • Passing a loaded firearm to another person including a guest.
      • Leaving a loaded firearm unattended in any location including on the benches.
      • Handling an uncased firearm, magazines, ammunition or attempting to shoot on a green flag.
      • Leaving the firing line to go downrange on a red flag.
      • Abusive, argumentative or disrespectful behavior directed towards any range officer, staff , member or Silverdale guest .

    Breach of any of the above will result in your immediate removal from Silverdale property plus possible further action.


    • Selling of reloads, bullets, ammunition, equipment, or firearms, including any related firearm goods for profit. You are welcome to sell personal firearms and ammunition!
    • No person shall charge another to use personal firearms or resale ammunition for profit.
    • No person(s) are welcome to run courses or training for profit.
    • No video recording or photography for the purpose of business to promote other ranges or retail stores.

    Range #1 – Training Range (10/25-yards)(PRIVATE RSO ONLY)
    Handguns, rifles, and shotguns (slug only) permitted
    Marksmen packages, as well as new shooter packages, are done on range 1.
    No rapid fire is permitted
    Flag system in effect

    Range #2 – 100m range (MEMBERS ONLY)
    Rifles and shotguns (slug only) permitted
    No rapid fire at anytime
    No shot permitted
    The bunker is located in the center of the range for approved steel targets. Please locate the gong-only bench.
    Flag system in effect

    Range #3 – 200-yard range (MEMBERS ONLY)
    Rifles and shotguns (slug only) permitted
    No rapid fire at anytime
    No iron sights are permitted. Must have an optic with some magnification.
    The bunker is located on the right of the range for approved steel targets. Please locate the gong-only bench.
    Flag system in effect

    Range #4 – SML 50-yard range (GUESTS WELCOME – VISIT NON-MEMBER PAGE)
    Rifles and shotguns (slug only) permitted
    No rapid fire at anytime
    This range is available to non-members from September 1st to March 31st for non-member hunters sighting in
    Flag system in effect

    Range #5 – LRG 50-yard range (MEMBERS ONLY)
    Rifles and shotguns (slug only) permitted
    The bunkers is located in the left of the range for approved steel targets. Please locate the gong-only bench.
    No rapid fire at anytime
    Flag system in effect

    Range #6 – 10-yard range (MEMBERS ONLY)
    Pistol and pistol-caliber carbines are permitted. Rimfire rifle only.
    All shooting is towards the back berm only
    Minimum engagement of 10 yards for hard targets.
    Rapid fire and holsters are permitted on this range at a distance no further than 10 meters and with appropriate qualifications

    Range #7 – 25-yard range (MEMBERS ONLY)
    Pistols and rifles are permitted on this range
    Pistol only on the left side of the range
    Rifle benches on the right side of the range.
    Rapid-fire and holsters are permitted with pistols and rifles only with the appropriate qualifications
    No shot or slugs!

    Ranges #8 – #12 – competition ranges
    Under construction pending approval

    Range #17 & #18 – trap ranges 1 & 2
    Trap rules are the same between the two ranges, but Trap 1 is open to all members as well as the public. Trap #2 is available for private rentals or booked shooting times for members only. All general rules apply, but the following are the rules specific to the trap range.

    Archery Range
    Located behind the garage at the front of the property.
    This is an Ontario Archery Association-designed range.
    Remove used targets when done shooting.
    No broadheads are ever permitted on the archery range.

    Please note, members only means members and their guests are permitted to use the range!