Firstly, welcome to Silverdale Gun Club! As a member or guest utilizing our facility, you agree and are responsible for following all Silverdale Gun Club Range Safety Rules at all times when using Silverdale Gun Club facilities.
Office: Monday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm and Saturday & Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm
Store: Wednesday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm and Saturday & Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm
Range: 8 am to 8 pm (or sunset, whichever comes first)
Phone: 905-957-7362
Line 1: Courses (please directly call the number above)
Line 2: Non-member/packages (289-925-7747)
Line 3: General Inquiries (289-925-3800)
Line 4: Lanz Shooting Supplies (289-407-0675)
Please feel free to call us and select whichever line best fits your questions! Please note we are 1-3 people working in the office. If you do not get an answer, we are either on the other line or busy with a customer. Please leave a message, and we will get back to you when we have a moment.
If you have a quick question, please do not hesitate to text any of the 289 phone numbers to get a quicker answer!
Email: we are happy to answer most questions via email!
All other inquiries:
1. Gate Sign-In: All members must sign in at the gate, regardless of whether it’s open, for insurance purposes.
2. Guest Registration: Guests must be registered at the front office or with the Range Safety Officer (RSO) before or after office hours. Members are permitted to bring 2 licensed guests or 1 licensed and 1 unlicensed guest per day. No exceptions unless a range officer is booked to help supervise.
3. Safety Gear: Ear and eyewear are mandatory on the firing line. Sandals, open-toed shoes, or flip-flops are not allowed.
4. Firearm Safety: Never pass a loaded firearm. Members bringing guests should teach them firearm safety. Firearms should not be left unattended or with unlicensed individuals. Firearms must be in a soft or hard case upon arrival! Gun socks are not permitted.
5. Cellphone and Camera Use: No use of cellphones or cameras while shooting or supervising a guest. Please review pictures and videos before posting on social media. Tag us @silverdalegunclub!
6. Wildlife: Shooting at wildlife on the range is prohibited in any capacity.
7. Property Damage: Property damage will result in a $50 charge per hole in baffles, bunkers, posts, or other integral structures.
8. Cleanliness: Members and guests are responsible for cleaning up spent shells, garbage, etc. Cleaning supplies are available at every range.
9. Smoking: No smoking at the benches under coverings. Smoking should be done away from the range.
10. Speed Limit: Driving on the property, especially the laneway, at speeds exceeding 15 km/h is considered an infraction, resulting in a written warning.
11. Member Responsibility: Members are fully responsible for their guests’ behaviour and conduct at all times.
12. Trigger Locks: Trigger locks are used to prevent fingers from entering the trigger guard, not to make the gun safe. (a gun with a trigger lock on is never considered safe)
13. Shotgun Use: Shotguns must be shouldered at all times; pistol grip shotguns are not permitted. If a firearm has a stock and a pistol grip, that is acceptable as it can be shouldered.
14. Pets: Pets are welcome but must be kept on a leash, and owners are responsible for cleaning up after them. There is a pet station across from Range #2.
- Muzzle direction other than downrange or straight up.
- Sweeping others with your firearm or pointing a firearm at someone
- Allowing an unlicensed guest to shoot or handle a firearm unsupervised.
- Passing a loaded firearm to another person, including a guest.
- Leaving a loaded firearm unattended in any location, including on the benches.
- Handling an uncased firearm, magazines, ammunition, or attempting to shoot on a green flag.
- Leaving the firing line to go downrange on a red flag.
- Abusive, argumentative, or disrespectful behavior directed towards any range officer, staff, member, or Silverdale guest.
Breach of any of the above could result in your immediate removal from Silverdale property, plus possible further action such as termination or membership.
- The range is hot, and shooting is permitted
- Cased firearms may only be brought onto the range at this point.
- Muzzle control must be maintained at all times! SGC only has two safe directions, which are down range and up.
- When moving from the bench to the safe rack, always have your firearm straight up and unloaded with the action open.
- If your firearm has a magazine inserted (baseplate closed) and/or the action closed, it is considered loaded and should be treated as such. At no point is it a safe practice to remove your hands from or pass a loaded firearm.
- While on the rifle ranges, if you are leaving the vicinity of your bench for any reason, your firearm is required to be put in the rack.
- The range is safe, and no shooting is permitted. It is safe to go down range and post targets at this point.
- No firearms are permitted to be brought (cased) onto the range on a green flag.
- No handling of firearms, ammunition, spotting scopes, etc., in any capacity.
- Shooters are required to stand behind the yellow line if not moving downrange to post targets.
- If you have reduced mobility, please notify the RSO on duty. In this case, you will be required to turn around and face away from the range while remaining seated.
- Prior to flag change, firearms should be unloaded, chambers cleared, and checked. Transferred with actions open and muzzle up to the gun rack. If unsure how to do it correctly, ask an RSO for a demonstration.
- If a firearm is too short to be held in the rear rack properly, it may be placed on the table in the same manner as a handgun as per the RSO discretion
- The range is closed for maintenance if there is no flag.
- At no point should a member ever bring firearms onto a range with no flag or a white flag
- A white flag means the range is closed due to law enforcement training or similar.
We have done our best to outline our expectations, hoping that it will make your shooting experience as satisfying as possible! However, if you have any questions or uncertainty, please stop what you are doing and ask one of our staff members for assistance.